In 1937, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Inc. was founded by Senior District Elder A.J. Patterson where he served as pastor until his passing on March 27, 1984. His many years of hard work, fasting, and praying are still having a profound impact. In 1984, The mantle was passed to Bishop David Allen, Sr. His relationship with Jesus helped lead and guide him in leading the Christ Temple family to build the ministry to be a beacon of light in the community. Bishop David Allen Sr. passed in March of 2011 and his leadership still has roots in the Houston community today.
District Elder David Allen, Jr. and First Lady Regina Allen picked up the mantle in 2010. In answering God’s call to Christ Temple’s head of leadership, the Allen family has sacrificed much to begin to nurture God's people during this crucial time. We believe that God has placed them in this call to leadership, at this moment, to be a shining example of what a modern family with values look like. With their leadership, the ministry is being transformed to continue carrying the torch and responsibility of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our modern day church.



1937: Eight individuals, inspired by the Spirit of God and led by founder/pastor A. J. Patterson, established Pentecostal Assembly in Houston during the Great Depression. They built the initial edifice of lumber from apple crate boxes purchased from Southern Pacific Railroad.
1937-1976: The church relocated several times and engaged in impactful ministry under Senior District Elder Patterson.
July 12, 1976: Christ Temple Apostolic Church (CTAC) became incorporated and growth necessitated a building program.
June 1977: Building improvements were completed and the building dedicated.
1982: CTAC purchased a portable facility to accommodate church activities and ministry expansion.
November 1983: A mortgage burning commemorated the payoff of a 15-year loan in six years.
March 27, 1984: Elder Patterson entered his heavenly home to be with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, his many years of hard work, fasting, and praying left a profound legacy. Elder Patterson and the ministry of CTAC established 12 churches and two outreach ministries, edified more than 2,500 members, and helped countless souls receive their salvation.
April 27, 1984: District Elder David Allen, Sr., who had served eight years as an Assistant Pastor, was chosen as the shepherd of CTAC.
May 27, 1984: Installation services were held for Pastor Allen Sr. and a new era of CTAC began.
1988: A new worship center was constructed as God continued to expand the ministry.
1995:The worship center mortgage was completely eliminated and CTAC began acquiring properties in the surrounding area on a cash basis.
1995-2010: Pastor David Allen Sr. was elevated to Suff. Bishop. As a trail blazer, he established many firsts in CTAC’s ministry which continue today. Some of the CTAC ministries which continue to prosper include, but are not limited to, prison outreach, food pantry, outreach to local small ministries, praise dancing, and the church’s popular "Christmas Cantata".
February 20, 2010: After 25 years of pastoring, the Lord prompted Bishop Allen to name his son as the ministry’s successor. On this day Elder David Allen Jr. was officially installed as pastor of CTAC.
April 8, 2010: Bishop Allen Sr. entered into eternal rest with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The legacy of the ministry continues under our current leader, District Elder David Allen Jr. We are excited about the new journeys we are taking as we pursue the mandate and assignment placed on this ministry to disciple and take dominion.