Leading a Community in Jesus' Name

Sr. Pastor
David Allen, Jr.
Pastor David Allen graduated from M.B. Smiley High School in 1977. David went to work in the engineering field as a civil/structural computer aide designer (CAD). His 27-year career afforded him the opportunity to serve in lead roles as a senior designer and CAD coordinator on major projects both domestically and abroad in Caracas, Venezuela.
To help people achieve the dream of home ownership and to broaden his career, he became a licensed real estate agent in 1994. He is a co-owner of Allen & Allen Group, a Houston-based real estate construction company.
David Allen, Jr. was commissioned by Bishop David Allen, Sr. to lead Christ Temple Apostolic Church (CTAC) on February 20, 2010. Prior to assuming the pastorate mantle from his father, David served full-time as Church Administrator.
In this role, he guided CTAC through the challenges of serving a membership living and working in the nation’s fourth largest city and its surrounding areas. When CTAC was buffeted by Hurricane Ike in 2008, Pastor Allen was a capable leader, helping the congregation recover from the physical damage to its building. When the economy turned downward in early 2009, Pastor Allen’s commitment to convey a message of hope has remained unfaltering.
Pastor Allen is guiding CTAC’s further progress through his strong teaching gift. Convinced that teaching is the mandate and assignment of the ministry moving forward, he established Wordfest. This annual bible conference is taught by Apostolic Fathers, who are capable, dynamic teachers, within their own right.
David Allen Jr. and his wife, Regina, have been married since April 10, 1982. The couple has been blessed with three children, David III, Jonathan, and Meagan who all love the Lord and are active in the ministry.

First Lady
Regina Allen
Lady Regina is an out-going person full of personality and is described as a “people person”. She accepted the Lord at an early age and has made Christ Temple Apostolic Church her church home for forty-one years. She has served faithfully in the Hospitality Ministry, became the Kid’s Church Director for 10 years, works in Outreach Ministry, Office Manager, Administrative Support to CTAC, and other leadership roles where she has provided, mentorship, counseling and love and support to her husband District Elder David Allen, in ministry.
Lady Regina strives to be a Godly example – a woman who has surrendered her life to do God’s will. She has served four years on the State Level for the Texas State Pentecostal Assembly of the World as Executive Assistant to the President- Lady Arlene Young to the Texas State Council Minister’s Wives’ and Minister’s Widows’ Auxiliary, and served as her adjutant for eight years. She has a heart for women and is now serving as Director for the Victorious Women’s’ Ministry at CTAC. She is a motivational speaker, and the founder of “The Life Foundation Mentorship Program for Girls ages 6 – 20. She’s also has launch the Lady Regina’s Book Club in 2019.
Lady Regina Allen, also has served with various non-profit organizations such as Social Good in Action, SAFE Diversity – working with children with unique abilities, Fresh Spirit – Domestic Violence, and Naomi House – Women that are transitioning into main stream society from incarceration. She was featured in the 2017 Women of Valour Inspirational Calendar, Amplify Your Voice for the entire month of March 2017 by Dr. Allison Wiley.
Lady Regina is excited about life and walking in the favor of God; she looks forward to more opportunities to serve God’s people. Her favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord”, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.